Brother and Sister...

A little boy a little girl,
so close in age in this world...
a brother a sister close at heart,
loving each other from the start...
growing up side by side,
playing together each day outside...
Good times and bad for the two,
together they hold a love so true...
as they get older they may drift,
apart from each other they will shift...
find friends of their own that they have met,
but together in their hearts they won't forget...
Who they are and always will be,
brother and sister a sight to see...
she will marry be taken away,
he will be happy yet sad that day...
his sister he has always been close to,
has grown up to be a lovely woman so true...
A little girl a little boy,
are grown up now they both enjoy...
their families of their own spending time together,
now and always forever and ever...
brother and sister a love so true,
from day one we always knew...


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